Early Season

I’ve been making regular visits to Tunbridge Hill Farm in part to do photography updates for their website. It’s also great to catch up with my neighbors and admire their handsome work! Here’s a few of my favorites from the early season:

From top: Wendy Palthey brings in Swiss chard she harvested at the farm to sell at market the next day; Tomato plants are ready to be removed from a cold frame and to be planted or sold at market; Jean Palthey tills soil with the tractor to plant carrots; Morel mushrooms were found by Wendy Palthey under one of the cold frames at the farm; Fiona Milchman harvests beet greens for market; Wendy Palthey, left, and Fiona Milchman unload and install 300 stakes for 600 tomato plants growing at Tunbridge Hill Farm; Tomato blossoms grow in the morning sun; Zea Palthey washes red leaf lettuce in a sink of water in the barn; From left, Wendy Palthey, Milchman and Sam Ketchum weed a row of carrots early in the morning before the heat of the day sets in; A song sparrow made a nest on top of rolled-up fencing.

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